About the Course
We have been offering online courses for 24 years.
Queen's English Language School has been delivering purely online courses since 2000.
It was not something we resorted to during the forced school closures during the pandemic.What changed was the introduction of more up-to-date resources, specifically designed to be used in online teaching.
What resources do you use?
In most cases, you can buy a hard copy of your course book because we adopt the latest version from well-known publishers which you can easily find.
So, if you still prefer to work from a printed book, online learning does not stop that!
Your teacher will always show the page you are working on, so it is easy to find your way during the lesson.
How do I acces my course?
We teach using Google Classroom and Google Meet. You do not need to have Gmail account to access the resource or join the lesson and during your assessment interview we will show you how this works. There is not special programme to download and a basic knowledge of emails and how to download content is sufficient. You will learn other computing skills during the course such as tool for collaborative work and your teacher will always be there to support you if you need more help.
What levels are available for the on-line courses?
All levels are available. Please do not worry if you are a beginner or if you have not studied English before. The lessons are 'live' meetings with your teacher, and we do not use pre-recorded materials. The teacher will get to know you during the assessment, and you will get to know the teacher, so when you start your course, you can be relaxed and know exactly what to expect.
Are the online lessons one-to-one or in a class?
Our on-line classes mostly one-to-one.
Having said that, if students live in the same Time Zone, it is possible to attend group classes. We require a minimum of 3 students to open a new class on-line so if you want to study with frends or colleagues , ww will be delighted to arrange a class for you.
Is studying on line good for me?
Studying online is very flexible, and it is the best option for busy people or people who cannot attend school due to family commitments or health reasons. We discuss the course timetable with you during your interview, and we also offer a trial lesson at a discounted price so you can make sure it works for you.
What is the price of on-line classes?
Because the online sessions are one-to-one and teachers have to adapt to your time zone to connect, the price is £30 per hour, but there is a discount if you decide to book your lessons as a block—a set number of hours during a set period of time. For example, if you book a course of 10 hours and complete it in 5 weeks, the total price is £250, but you have to add to this the price of the printed book if you want one.  We apply the discount in blocks of 10 hours only and you can book as many blocks as you need. If you study in a group, the price per hour is £20 if booked as a course, not as individual sessions.